Brief reports
- Severe Cyanosis After Total Cavopulmonary Connection, Corrected by Surgical Ligation of the Suprahepatic Veins
- Daniel Borches, Gustavo Brochet, Ángel Aroca, Luis García-Guereta, Ernesto Sanz, Gregorio Cordovilla
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:367-9
- Intermittent Atrioventricular Block in an Accessory Pathway Associated With Complete Infrahissian Block
- Víctor Palanca, Aurelio Quesada, José Roda, Sergio Villalba, Natividad Mihi, José Velasco
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:363-6
- Learning Process for Transseptal Puncture Guided by Intracardiac Echocardiography
- Julián Villacastín, Nicasio P Castellano, Javier Moreno, Lucía Álvarez, Ricardo Morales, Aníbal Rodríguez
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:359-62
- Hypoxemia and Stroke in a Patient With a Pacemaker
- Rosa M Jiménez, Francisco Martín, Maximiliano Diego, José L Santos, Antonio Arribas, Cándido Martín Luengo
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:265-7
- Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in the Province of Girona, Spain: The REGICOR Study
- Rafael Masiá, Joan Sala, Izabella Rohlfs, Rosa Piulats, Josep M Manresa, Jaume Marrugat
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:261-4
- Atypical Behavior of QTc and ST-T Intervals in a Patient With the Brugada Syndrome
- Rafael S Acunzo, Isabel V Konopka, Rubén A Sánchez, Norma Pizzarelli, Juan Guerra, Marcelo V Elizari
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:268-70
- ST Segment Elevation During Dipyridamole Stress Testing in a Patient Without Coronary Lesions
- Óscar Díaz-Castro, Jesús Fernández-López, Luis Campos, Francisco Calvo, Ramón Mantilla, Javier Goicolea
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:177-9
- Effects of Tilt Test and Beta-Adrenergic Stimulation on the QT Interval in Normal Children and Pediatric Patients With Unexplained Syncope
- Pilar Arnaiz, Eduardo Dumas, Felipe Heusser, Rolando González, Jorge Jalil
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:173-6
- Rupture and Intracoronary Entrapment of an Angioplasty Guidewire With the X-Sizer Thromboatherectomy Catheter During Rescue Angioplasty
- José R López-Mínguez, Eugenio Dávila, Manuel Doblado, Antonio Merchán, Reyes González, Francisco Alonso
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:180-3
- Transient Left Ventricular Apical Ballooning Without Coronary Stenoses Syndrome: Importance of the Intraventricular Pressure Gradient
- Roberto Barriales Villa, Raquel Bilbao Quesada, Enrique Iglesias Río, Nicolás Bayón Meleiro, Ramón Mantilla González, Manuel Penas Lado
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:85-8
- Direct Stenting Without Predilatation: Influence of Stent Diameter on the Immediate Results
- Íñigo Lozano, Ramón López-Palop, Eduardo Pinar, Daniel Saura, Francisco Picó, Mariano Valdés
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:81-4
- Effects of Cisapride on QT Interval in Children
- Amalia Tamariz-Martel Moreno, Antonio Baño Rodrigo, Marciano Sánchez Bayle, Cristina Montero Luis, María D Acuña Quirós, Julia Cano Fernández
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004;57:89-93
- Pulmonary Atresia With Intact Ventricular Septum Associated With Severe Aortic Stenosis
- Juan R Peraira, Margarita Burgueros, Isabel Esteban, Luis García-Guereta, María D Rubio, Francisco J Álvarez-Ferreira
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1235-8
- Occlusion og the First Septal Branch With Microcoils in a Patient With Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
- David Rodrigo, Pedro M Montes Orbe, Juan Alcíbar, Javier Fernández, Susana Gómez, José I Barrenetxea
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1232-4
- Recurrent Ventricular Fibrillation in a Patient With Brugada Syndrome Successfully Treated With Procainamide
- Rosa M Sánchez-Aquino, Rafael Peinado, Ana Peinado, José L Merino, José A Sobrino
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1134-6
- Primary Cardiac Lymphoma: Diagnosis by Transjugular Biopsy
- Ángela Flox Camacho, Felipe Hernández Hernández, Rafael Salguero Bodes, Ignacio Sánchez Pérez, Amparo Carbonell Porras, Juan Tascón Pérez
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1141-4
- Follow-Up Findings one Year After Discharge From a Chest Pain Unit
- Jesús Zarauza, María J Rodríguez-Lera, Begoña Ceballos, Liébana Piedra, Trinidad Dierssen, Josefina Pérez
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1137-40
- Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. An Infrequent Cause of Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Alberto Berenguer, Vicente Mainar, Pascual Bordes, José Valencia, Vicente Arrarte
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1017-21
- Direct Detection of Malignant Mutations in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Mónica García-Castro, Julián R Reguero, Alberto Batalla, Felicitas Catalán, Juan Mayordomo, Eliecer Coto
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1022-5
- Distal Intercoronary Communication. A Case Report and Medical Literature Review
- Juan A Fournier, José APF Cortacero, Luis Díaz de la Llera, Ángel Sánchez, Eduardo Arana, Juan E Morán
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2003;56:1026-8